Day 2,613 —It is Hot at 7 a.m.— with a PICTURE of VITALITY UNLIMITED

This might seem strange coming from a person who often runs until the afternoon; however, I always start early in the morning. I knew I didn’t have to go into the office today, so I slept in until 6 a.m., after having gone back to sleep at 3:30 a.m. (because I had to get up to feed my cats). My youngest cat Perseus takes it upon himself to wake me up most morning. He comes over to my face and paws at my lips. He doesn’t use his claws or anything, just puts his paws on my face. Now that I think about it there is a lot worse ways to wake up. 

So, an unusual morning indeed with me getting up last in my house. I bought a pair of the Hooka Arahi 5 yesterday to help my left foot recover. It is really the opposite of the shoes I usually wear, but I got to make a change if I want my left foot to heal. 

They did feel heavy on my run today, but I am not having the same pain now, so I will probably rotate using them, and I might primarily wear them the month of July, to really give myself a chance to recover. July might be a low mileage and bike month as much as it pains me to take that much time off doing high mileage. It might be the best thing I can do to promote my longevity as a runner. 

I am glad I bought that bike.   


the Most Epic Runs