Day 2,609 —Remembering to Meditate— with a PICTURE of TREES just BEFORE SUNRISE

I have been forgetting to spend as much time meditating as I used to. I have gotten in the habit of mostly just meditating using the “timer” setting on the Insight app that I use on my phone, but sometimes I need the help of a guided meditation to better focus my thoughts. 

Today, I started out with a good ten-minute morning session, and I am already feeling in better spirits. I think just dealing with all the change this week with my new job and thinking about the next year and the year after that is overwhelming me. 

I almost went for another run last night instead of a meditation session, but I am really trying to let my body heal and not push myself. I am going to have that 50-mile trail run a week from tomorrow, and I need to be fresh for that. It will finally be the first real ultra that I finish! I am confident I can finish, but at the same time I know it is always possible something can go wrong. 

I am still dealing with my disappointment of not finishing the ultra I did last Saturday, but that is not necessarily a bad thing. It might be just the motivation I need to push myself in my training for the 100-mile race in November. My wife and daughter plan to come with me too; I think it is going to be great. 

Happy Friday, friend. Remembering there is only today and tomorrow and the next day, after that who knows what the future will hold. 


the Most Epic Runs