Day 2,628 —No Wrong Choices— with a PICTURE of AMERICAN CLEANERS

The concept that, “everything happens for a reason,” which tends to be said when someone is going through something traumatic. Some possibly might find those words comforting, but logically if you accept that some awful thing that you have had to live through happened for a reason (usually to prevent something hypothetically worse from happening), then you must accept every arbitrary decision has potential life altering effects. Should I turn right or left at this stop sign? Should I take a shower now or after I write? Should I run before or after I stretch? These might seem meaningless to some, but they could end up changing your life forever! Especially if you find yourself in a romantic comedy.  

I have tried to make good decisions that were ultimately pointless; however, in my mind they made all the difference in the world. When bound by this logic, “everything happens for a reason” it is easy for me to become paralyzed by every choice I make, always fearing the inevitable wrong decision.

You make thousands if not millions of choices every day, so there is nothing remarkable that some of those random choices end up having an irrevocable effect on your life. It can be comforting to accept that these choices have meaning if you are dealing with death or hardship; however, it can be tormenting if you caused someone’s death by accident through a random choice you made. Maybe you were involved in a car accident, and you start to wonder, “what if I left a little earlier?” 

I am making my choices today with confidence. I hope that you are too. 


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