Day 2,624 —a Trip to the ER and Swimming Today— with a PICTURE of a TRUCK in the SNOW

My daughter’s face had been swelling since Wednesday. My wife took her to our pediatrician on Thursday and Friday, and Friday we all went to the ER. I didn’t go to the other doctor appointments because only one parent was allowed due to covid restrictions. 

I am glad the same rules were not applied in the ER. She was already not feeling well, and she was forced to meet with strangers. By all accounts she did really well. One of the doctors told us that she could not eat anything because she might need surgery. He assured us that he did not know if that would be the case or not, but that we should be prepared to do so. 

When we finally got the results from the sonogram, it seemed like things were cautiously okay. She didn’t need surgery or anything more invasive. She might have a bacterial infection which she is taking antibiotics for. There might be a viral component, but if that is the case there is little, we can do but wait. 

She is taking ibuprofen and antibiotics. She seems a lot better today. The swelling in her face has gone down slightly, which is encouraging because we were told it could take up to two weeks. 

So, we are going swimming today, which will be a nice change of pace. The waiting in the small rooms is the worst. I remember countless times being in the hospital and the doctors when I was a kid. I didn’t know that it was probably worse for my parents until yesterday. 

I ran only a few miles and mostly just going through the motions. I promised myself some time off anyway. 


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