Day 2,615 —Two More Days— with a PICTURE of a BOOK in a WINDOW

I am supposed to be packing today but so far, I have done very little. I have started mentally putting some things together, but I don’t think that counts. I was so excited to do this race last year, and I didn’t really believe they were going to have to postpone it, but they did. 

I am doing my best to take it easy this week. This morning I was surprised not to wake up to a lot of foot pain. However, I was surprisingly sweaty after my short run this morning. I wonder if my body knows that I am planning another 50-mile run. So, it is secretly preparing itself to have to endure being active for 8 hours plus. I don’t really know how long it will take me. It is a much more technical run than I have done in the past. It doesn’t feel like 50 mile is that much anymore, but it really is no joke. This race could take me a lot longer than 8 hours.   

Happy Thursday.   


the Most Epic Runs