Day 2,621 —10K in the Sun— with a PICTURE of a YELLOW CONTAINER and FROZEN MUD

I stayed up until after midnight yesterday doing something that I haven’t done in over a year. I don’t think I even stayed up that late on New Year’s Eve this year.

I guess the cats just let me sleep in, which is extremely generous of them. It was surprisingly cool outside, and the miles went by quickly. I promised myself I would take it easy this week, but a slow hour run isn’t too much, but any more than that I better just ride my bike instead, which is fun if not very efficient. I saw a lot of other runners out. Even a group of high schoolers seemed to be making strides in the sun today. The clouds were lovely to look at. 

If I have time, I should go for another ride today. I need to remember to stretch too. 

Happy Wednesday!      


the Most Epic Runs