Day 2,607 —All Questions and No Answers— with a PICTURE of just BEFORE SUNRISE

Starting work at nine and only going in for half days is surprisingly taking me sometime to get used to. At least, I will be done next Thursday, and I get the day off on Friday.

Mentally, I am struggling in finding my rhythm. I am still trying to figure out how I am going to do all that I have planned to do in the fall. Start a new job, prepare for a 100-mile race, and start working on another master’s degree all in the same month, seems like a lot when one puts it that way. And that is on top of all my other responsibilities as a father, husband, and homeowner. I also record a podcast every week, and I write and run every day! I know I don’t have to do everything at once, and I do work well managing my own time. 
How do runners make it over that 12-hour period? I haven’t stayed up all night in a long time. Maybe I should just try to stay active for a 24-hour period before the race, just to see how my body handles it . . .   
Clearly, I need more time to think about these things during my runs! I hope to be able to have some more talks with more experienced runners at my next race, and I have already learned a lot from Dave and Eric from my last one. 


the Most Epic Runs