Day 2,608 —Sad things in the Road— with a PICTURE of TREES on a HILL

I normally don’t write about things like this, but every run is not filled with elation, and sometimes all the wrong things happen, seemingly in order. In some ways I am mad at my experience today because I don’t want to think about it, so am I do you a disservice by telling you about it? I first realized this logical conundrum when I was in 9th grade. I remarked that in a lot of ways if someone who is sick tells others about it, those other people will most likely respond by being sad for that person. Is it wrong to tell others about your misfortune? 

I think society says that it is, and that is why things happen all the time that show us how much people hide their pain even from their loved ones. I worked with a woman who had cancer and never told anyone, and just one day she was not there. I would prefer to know most of the time if not all the time. There is only so much suffering I can take, but I do my best to listen to other people talk and try to share their pain. 

I saw a dead cat on the side of the road. It was copper colored, and someone had put a red flower on top of it. I wondered if the person who hit it did this, or maybe someone just walking by and trying to help. 

I don’t know if it is the same cat or not, but I had seen some missing cat posters around recently and had even thought about taking a picture and posting it, in the chance maybe more people in the area would recognize it if they saw it, but I didn’t. 

I continued on my run. Later, I was standing next to a monument shop and a dog was barking at me from inside the fence. I went over to calm the dog down and spoke softly to it. Then I noticed how thin the dog was and how their fur was falling out. The dog still wasn’t calming down, so I started to sing like I do for my daughter to calm her down, and the dog turned around and walked away from me, not making another sound. 

It is hard to see innocent creatures needlessly suffer. 


the Most Epic Runs