Day 2,612 —Working on Sunday— with a PICTURE of STAINED GLASS WINDOWS

It probably started during my student teaching and then just continued through my teaching career. I normally work first and afterwards I might go for a run. Over the recent years, it usually wouldn’t be more than a couple of hours but when I started it could take between 3-4 hours and in general, I remember being miserable during that time. 

I don’t know what eventually changed, but I stopped dreading it as much. Instead, most Sunday mornings I learned to enjoy the planning and imagining my lessons for the week. I would usually already have a draft written but going through it on Sunday helped me visualize the pacing of the lessons and make final changes and do rewrites. 

I worked a little yesterday morning almost out of habit. I had to do some stuff for my new job, but I could have probably finished it on Friday, but for I preferred to wait until Sunday, so I could work for an hour. 

I ran in sandals and stayed light on my feet keeping my heart rate down. I saw at least five squirrels frozen by a tree when I turned around a corner. I looked at them frozen in place for a beat before they all scrambled. All except one who didn’t seem to get the memo. I approached him reaching for my camera, but then he ran up the tree and was gone.   


the Most Epic Runs