Day 2,573 —I Certainly do not Feel Worse— with a picture of a SUNRISE

Waking up in a bad mood today because my cats had broken into their bag of food, despite my efforts to secure the bag in a laundry basket with cardboard surrounding it. 

That sounds pretty silly now that I have written it out. I guess I cannot be too mad at them. I am just trying to help them stay heathy and not let their food go stale. 

I thought about spending less time running to try to rebound from my rough start, but I knew running was only going to make me feel better. 

All the grass was wet and so my shoes and socks got wet, and it was still slightly cold. 

I think I am starting to think about all the changes I am going to go through the next month. My students will be graduating soon. Some of them, I have known for the past four years. It hasn’t been easy this year, but it will all be over soon. 


the Most Epic Runs