Day 2,584 —a Saint Louis Statue— with a PICTURE of the SUNRISE

If you live around here, you know that the main statue of Saint Louis is on the top of Art Hill. It shows Saint Louis on a horse, seemingly galloping into battle. This one has him standing holding something in his left arm that I cannot identify. In his right arm he is holding his sword down. I know this is supposed to be Saint Louis because I have seen enough iconography surrounding him to recognize the resembles; however, there is no identification that I was able to locate surrounding this statue. 

The way he looks like a young child is striking, also his boyish features with shoulder-length hair. This light looking up at him is orange, so he looks ominous from a distance, but close up you see that he is meant to look humble and kind. He has on armored pants, Chausses, so that must mean something. 

I felt okay today during my run. My left leg is still pretty sore as is my foot but that didn’t stop me from moving this morning. 


the Most Epic Runs