Day 2,575 —Variations of a Loop— with a picture of a Field

I had been thinking about this run for a little over a week, so I bought some plant-based bars. Some were basically fig newtons but with strawberries or blueberries. Others I bought were kind of like rice Krispies. I thought they would be too sweet, but they worked out perfectly. 

I had the idea of doing 10-mile loops, and I thought of the loop a few days ago. The first time I did it the distance was closer to 12 miles, but I ended up doing around that each time. I did four loops, and I was close to ending back at my house right at 50. It worked out well. Mentally it is hard going out too far away, but I get bored staying too close to home, so doing the loops was a good balance. I wasn’t thinking I would end up with 50 today. My goal was to run for 8 hours but when I realized how close I was to 50, I just kept going. 

I think I should probably do one more real long run before my 68-mile run June 5th, but this run succeeded in making me remember that I can do this. 

I still need to find a pacer and figure out how much I am going to need to carry. I talk to one of the organizers, and she wasn’t sure how many water stations there would be, but she did tell me I would get most likely three drop points, so I can work with that. I changed my shoes four times today.  


the Most Epic Runs