Day 2,588 —Saying Goodbye— with a PICTURE of a BUS STOP

When you do not spend a lot of time with young people, it is easy to forget what it is like to be young. The world is all so new and different and you’re in a rush to get wherever you want to go. There is something you know that nobody else knows. You are secretly smarter than everyone else and are just waiting for the right moment to reveal it to the right person. 

I never thought high school was that big of a deal when I went through it. I was just always so ready to move on to the next thing. My students graduating this year seem just as eager. Most of them seem to consider themselves above the juvenile life of a high schooler. 

It is so hard to see them go while remembering how young I once was and how old I am now. How did this happen to me? Why I cannot I just stay the same?  


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