Day 2,581 —Appreciating Today— with a PICTURE of ICE SICKLES

Yesterday was one of the worst days I have had in recent memory. I was physically sick and didn’t want to move most of the day. My throat felt dry but all I consumed most of the day was water. I finally felt good enough to start eating food in the afternoon. I remember meditating for 10 minutes and feeling entirely overwhelmed with all the craziness I have endured the past year, and I know everyone is going through stuff this year. I feel like I don’t even have the right to complain about my struggles but that’s how it is. And I know that it is illogical to tell someone they don’t have the right to be upset about something just because someone else has it worse; however, a lot of people have it a lot worse than I do, so emotionally it is hard to reconcile the value of my own struggles. 

My cats, my daughter, and my wife were all a great comfort. I could be giving my cats too much credit, but Ulysses I feel like always notices first if I am not feeling well and he tries to cheer me up. He will just sit on me and give me cat hugs, but it seems to help. My wife and daughter were so nice and uplifting too. 

I am not entirely better; however, I have energy to do things and didn’t have an issue getting up this morning and being able to go for a run and all my usual routines. 

Life always seems to imitate running. When you feel like you want to give up and you cannot possibly keep moving, just be patient with yourself and wait, you will catch your next wind –it is not if, but when –you will feel better again soon –just wait a little longer—you can do it. 


the Most Epic Runs