Day 2,594 —My Shadow— with a PICTURE of my SHADOW

I never thought about my shadow before, but while looking at this picture of it I remember how much my shadow fascinated me when I grew my hair long. I could never reconcile that version of me with long hair. I always look like I do now in my mind, so it is strange to be confronted of a version of yourself that doesn’t seem true. 

I was busy this morning trying to get something ready for school. This is my last day teaching for a while. It seemed like for so long that this day would never come, and now that it is here; it doesn’t feel real. I still have to work tomorrow and next week, so maybe that’s part of it. However, it is going to feel strange about having an additional week without kids at the end of the year. 

I need to start packing up my room anyway. I don’t know what to do about the KT82. I couldn’t find anyone to help out, and now I read that they aren’t really sure how much water will even be there. I imagine it would be fine, but I am seriously starting to have doubts. I want to do the miles, but I don’t want to stress about logistics during a 68-mile run. 


the Most Epic Runs