Day 2,579 —Looking up at Statues— with a PICTURE of LEAVES

There is a prominent statue of Saint Louis close to my house, which I have always found to be ominous. Also, various catholic figures are seemingly everywhere. I get that these people are being honored on some level for their service to the church; however, I have always found these depictions to be unsettling and chilling. If you want people to look up to your religious heroes, shouldn’t you try to make them seem inviting and kind? However, usually without exception they have scowls on their faces and look ominous and like they are hiding something. 

I used to think Saint Louis must be a pretty scary guy based on his statues always holding a sword, but then I read about him and yes, he did lead two crusades that were completely unsuccessful; however, he was known for his piety, virtue and justice. He is the only King Louis that was made into a saint. Why is he not shown helping people if that is his legacy and not charging forward with a sword while staring down at people? 

I ran today not able to really think much about my run except that I am here, and I am doing it. 

Happy Wednesday everyone! Let us all try to have a great day! Maybe the weather will get nicer too. 


the Most Epic Runs