Day 2,583 —the Busch Family Cemetery— (with MORE ICE SICKLES and a STATUE)

So, I found this place probably last year, it isn’t really off any particular path, so it would be difficult to run into by accident. However, I run random places all the time, and in this case, I just went up a hill that connects a cemetery to a sidewalk. The first time I went there it was very early in the morning and it was still dark. I saw the statue of the naked man feeding a deer, which I thought was strange and under it is the marker “BUSCH.” The headstones are in a circle, and I recognized most of them. All the people that ran the Anheuser-Busch company were there. I thought I saw a gravestone for Adolphus Bush, but I am reading he has a Mausoleum in Bellefontaine Cemetery, so maybe I am mistaken, but all the other Busch family members are there. If interested, I suggest that you read Bitter Brew that goes through the entire family history. 

The headline is that August Busch IV killed two people and got away with it, and he also lost the family own company that had endured for several generations. 

The Busch family was not only powerful in St. Louis but also in the country influencing the reversal of prohibition. They had a dedicated train from their farm to Washington D.C. And they were able to successfully cover up how August Busch IV was at the very least guilty of manslaughter and two separate cases. 

It seems so odd that they are all buried here with no real pomp and circumstance. I am not sure why the picked the naked guy feeding a deer as their family symbol, but I guess it works.        


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