Day 2,590 —So Much Change— with a PICTURE of a BRIDGE

I had a student tell me this week that this year had been, “boring,” to them. I had to smile because of how much happened this year. This year we had protest and major interruptions to all of our daily lives. A lot of people lost their job. I had many students talk about how their parents couldn’t find work. There were the protest and the election and the insurrection. This has been the most eventful year I have ever lived through. 

But that is kids, always feeling like it is cool to be bored. The need to be above it all never seems to skip a generation. 

All I could think about was how this is my last week with kids, and that it was so bright today outside. I wonder if the cicadas will emerge soon. I am going to the Botanical Gardens later today. Yesterday during my run, I saw all the families going to Grant’s Farm together or just biking together. I am happy my family will get to spend the day together.   


the Most Epic Runs