Day 3,453—Ready to be Old: Part II—Still Old—

Currently attempting to memorize “Stopping by Woods,” and this line always makes me think: “The only sound I heard was of easy wind and downy flakes,” which makes me wonder, what does a downy flake sound like?

I'm still thinking about all those moments over the years when people approached me and told me to “live!” while I was young. One moment a person came up to me when I was in a sandwich shop reading Infinite Jest. He gave me a knowing smile and said, “I remember when I used to read books like that.”

He left before I could respond. I remember not knowing if he was complimenting me or insulting me, but now that I think about the smile he gave me, I know what he meant. I haven’t found a new Infinite Jest. Instead, I am rereading Ulysses and still deciding what DFW I want to reread first. Haven’t really read anything since his final novel. Who is the new DFW, I wonder. 


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