Day 3,454—Twelve—

I started my run late again after I got up early, but then went back to bed because my daughter was calling out my name and didn’t want to go back to sleep. My wedding anniversary is on the 8th, which seems so crazy to me. How has it been twelve years? I used to think that five years was a lot, and then ten, now I don’t know, what’s the next big milestone, 20 or 25? My running anniversary isn’t there yet. I am in year 9 now, which I sometimes mistake for 8, but I am sure I’ll remember better once I get to a big even number.

         I used to think that when I got older, a lot of this politics and religion that separates us would somehow become crystal clear, and in a way, it has, but in a more important way, my world has changed so much to include so many additional perspectives, which at times make my preoccupation with politics and religion seem trite and elitist. Not everyone has the time to ponder the meaning of life. And those who are marginalized rarely have the time necessary to get into politics to try to have their voice represented in the laws. Why do people assume those who are persecuted somehow have the burden to spend their entire lives fighting!?  


the Most Epic Runs