Day 3,468—Side still Hurt—


I wanted to take a bath with Epsom salt, but I didn’t have any last night, so instead I went back and read what I was writing five years ago around this time and last year around this time. It is so scary sometimes to go time traveling, which is what I call it when I look back on my thoughts over the years. What strikes me is how what I was feeling at the time was so intense and so overwhelming, yet it takes me reading it, usually, to remember what was even going on.

I took pictures with my red camera today, but I left it at home, so I don’t have a picture to post. It was a good picture too. I got a vertical shot of this witch that got stuck in a post. My daughter told me recently she wanted to try to help the witch get unstuck. I explained it was pretend, and she seemed to understand.


the Most Epic Runs