Day 3,478—Running Downhill—

I felt great pushing my pace as I started my first mile. My legs still feel fresh, and my watch gave me a +2 on my recovery. I thought about the drive home last night.

When Joel and I told the workers we were calling it quits, they tried to talk us out of it briefly but I told the guy we were good and that I was planning on doing a 100-miler on Friday. He asked where, and I couldn’t remember. I said it was in Memphis, but I was only about 60 percent sure at the time.

I thanked them for the race, which was the best of all worlds, close, inexpensive, challenging trail, good aid station, nice people, and they were raising money for muscular dystrophy. Now I feel like I should donate more than the +5 I gave them after the 25-dollar registration fee.

I was cold, needed to use the restroom, and wanted to change clothes, but I did none of those things until I got home. I listened to the news and then an interview with Paul Simon. I thought I would want to listen to music, but I couldn’t think of anything to play.

I arrived home at 2:30 and immediately took a bath. I stayed up playing Sifu while hanging out with my cats until 4. I went to bed and got up at 9, and I feel pretty, pretty normal today.


the Most Epic Runs