Day 3,475—Shelter from/in the Storm—

      2.x miles has become my random “not thinking” distance over the past few days. My arm is the last thing that is hurting from my injury, so I got my movement back and have not had as many issues typing as before. I wish I could do more, but with a last-man-standing type event this weekend and the Mamba 100 the week after, I really can’t.

       You know, in that time “when blackness was a virtue [and] the road was full of mud”? (Forgive me, this is a joke) I always hear that lyric, “I’ll give you shelter from the storm,” whenever I see a tree canopy or a man-made canopy while it’s raining. Today, when I was taking my picture under the tree canopy, I thought more about the idea that I often take shelter in the storm as opposed to from the storm. A storm isn’t so bad once you get in it for a while, and then it feels weird being on the other side when you notice the silence. 


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