Day 3,457—Climbing Fences—

First, I ran on the train tracks over by the metro station, thinking eventually I would find a spot to make it back to a road or a path; however, it kept getting more isolated. I made it to this bridge that had been tagged aggressively, which was interesting. It would be great to get some pictures at night there sometime. After the bridge, I was excited because I saw a path, and it took me to an open gate!

Yet, the next gate was closed, and it had barbed wire at the top. I was not at first deterred. The fence next to it that took you into a separate lot didn’t have barbed wire, so I used that one, thinking I would find a spot to get out on the other side. I could see the street from where I was, and I remembered running down this road before when there were people doing construction, now the lot was empty. I didn't like the spot I found. The more I thought about it, the more I didn’t want to try to get under a fence and scratch myself up in the process, so I doubled back.

I planned to make it to Strange Donuts and bring back enough for my wife and daughter. They always have one vegan donut, and it is usually pretty good. I kind of like the challenge of running while holding a bag. I tried to take a different route there and got stuck. I was so close to making it out to Big Bend, but alas, it was not meant to be!

Next, week is the Minnie Ha Ha 12-hour race. I want to go in looking to have fun! My goal is to beat or get as close as possible to as many miles as I did last year.


the Most Epic Runs