Day 3,458—Trip to the Grocery Store—

I ended up leaving my watch on and staying in there for around twenty minutes. I was picking out chocolate to buy for my wife. I stood there far too long, analyzing the ingredients and debating the merits of variety. I made my final decision! And changed my mind and put one bar back and got two more of something else. I put everything in my waterproof bag and put it inside my jacket. I bought a drink and went outside the grocery store. I took my first sip. Then a guy collecting money asked me, "Does that stuff work?"”

I didn’t know how to respond because I wasn’t sure what he meant. What expectations do people have for a carbonated drink that's supposed to be healthier and sweetened with plants? I got this one because it doesn’t taste that sweet and clearly says what is in it, but does it work? So yeah, I drink it and enjoy it, so it works. We talked a little about the neighborhood before I went on. The next thing he asked me was if I was a walker or a runner. This question confused me as well. I thought. I mean, yeah, obviously I ran here.


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