Day 3,790 —First Week in September—


I missed most of the sunrise this morning. Instead, I saw the end of it and ran the other way. I was annoyed with myself for not getting up earlier. I could use a longer run today. It is hard to believe it is only the third week of school.    
What happened this morning, Perseus? I slept until 5:30. I must not have set my alarm, but I rarely need it. Usually, every morning, Perseus wakes me up with a combination of walking on my hair and putting his head close to my face. He was with the other cats downstairs when I finally got up.
         I had my first 8 p.m. class last night. It is supposed to go on until 10:30, but last night we finished early. I spent the weekend starting and stopping different books, but now I have a couple I am getting into. I am listening to this book the Courage to be Disliked, and it is not so much a self-help book but so far it is an description of Adlerian Psychology. I don’t love the framing, which is in dialogue form, which provides a deceptive context to the concepts being discussed (the character who is presented as the Wise old Man must be right and the Young naïve Man must be wrong). I have met plenty of old, naïve people who have mistaken stubbornness for righteousness and a few young people who exhibit wisdom through humility. 
