Day 3,796 —Running with a Vest again—


   I got up on time, but I needed to start work earlier today, so I didn’t have a lot of time to run, so I felt the weighted vest calling to me. Now, I am thinking do I need to get one that weighs more? I don’t know exactly how helpful it is to train with them, but I feel like it has helped with how high I can jump when I run.

         I ran by people standing in front of Walmart this morning. It seemed odd because one guy was standing at the edge of the crosswalk. He might have been smoking. There was a woman on my left-hand side who looked like she was going to work, and she stared at me.

I wanted to wave or say hi. They were both speechless. They were looking at me like they had just encountered some sort of creature from outer space.


the Most Epic Runs