Day 3,803 —Red Moon—


I thought I was going to take a break this morning. I was up until midnight and already running on vapor, but when I started running I forgot about all that and had no problem finding the energy to keep moving on.

         It was a Harvest Moon, a partial Eclipse, and a Super Moon last night. My son wanted to go outside, so I relented and took him. He has been demanding walks at least twice a day. I have been recording them on my watch to have a record of that time. I normally do not have him that long, but he is almost 30 pounds now, so it isn’t easy. When we get out there, he doesn’t say anything, he mainly points his hand forward and stares intensely at anything that catches his eye. First, the car that goes by fast. Next, the dog that is barking. I walk to the end of the dead end and turn around.

This morning the moon wasn’t red, only big and white. I tried to see what picture I could get, but the moon looks like a big streetlamp, and you can’t see the detailed crevasses.


the Most Epic Runs