Day 3,810 —Morning Frost—

It was on the grass and in the trees, a white smear across the tops of the foliage. It still wasn’t cold, but the sign that the cold was coming was welcoming and overwhelming.

        Here we are again Fall. How long has it been? It seems like just yesterday, the leaves were changing colors and the school year was finally getting underway.

October is usually not a great month if history is any indication, but I am sure that is not always true. I am sure there have been some good Octobers in my life, but I cannot remember them. A lot of good things definitely happened in October.

I wore my vest as I ran this morning, and part of me thinks it is insufficient. Now, I want to get a heavier vest. Now, I want to wear my vest all the time and always walk with extra weight.

Now, I want to buy ankle weights and put them under my pants, so I can wear them at work and just appear to be moving slower.

I cannot wait until the clock falls back an hour and there is more of a chance to see the sun during my run in the morning.  


the Most Epic Runs