Day 3,793 —Almost Two Hours—

I thought I would run for only two hours, maybe go do Grant’s trail, but then I ended up going down Watson and running around Francis Slay Park. I did stop my watch to take a picture of the statue there and forgot to turn my watch back on. I feel like it is fine, whatever. I do that sometimes. I always go back and forth on whether I care enough to stop my watch when I stop for a moment, but it is a habit at this point, I felt like I was going fast in the section when my watch was off.

         There were so many people out in the park. It was such a nice day. People were hopping and rolling around on the ground. It was some athletic endeavor. It reminded me a little of sack races or the kind of things we would do in wrestling practice, going back and forth crawling on the ground, or carrying each other. I miss doing that kind of stuff.

         So I knew I was going fast because I was trying to move past this whole area without looking like I was staring, but I was interested in figuring out what was going on.

         So, I might have missed half a mile, but I always feel like I run faster when there are other runners around. I might not be moving faster, but I feel like I am. 

I noticed new people have looked at this site recently. Which is great, but I wonder why. If that’s you, thanks for reading my writing: I am glad you’re here. 


the Most Epic Runs