Day 3,804 —Faster than I thought—

 I had to work on reports this morning before I went to run and by the time I was done I didn’t have a lot of time, so I figured I would make the most of it and try to run fast. I started strong but got tired after the first half mile. I saw a guy I have seen before on Valcour and I passed him. It seems odd seeing the same guy now three times running the same way.

When I made it back to the house, I had slowed down some, and it felt good to feel tired. Of course, my son is already awake in my house, running around, asking me to take him outside.

 Yesterday, I had him walk on our walk, and he was so happy holding my hand and moving up and down the street. He must have walked close to half a mile. Not bad for a 15-month-old.


the Most Epic Runs