Day 3,798 —What’s Next or 55:55—

     I never purposely stop at a certain time, but I get 44:44 a lot and now today 55:55. Part of me wonders if I should also run 5.55 miles. I am not suggesting any major significance, but numbers tell a story, and I like how they stand in contrast to the abstract. They are the normalizer: the universal language. And I am not saying they are a superior form of communication, but they are different and interesting.   

     I used to know how many spaces were equivalent to the tab key. Now, I am not sure, is it five or four?  

 I didn’t see one other person out today, unlike yesterday’s abundance of other runners. I wonder why everyone stayed home this morning. I did start a little earlier. There was no reason to get up early, but Perseus (my cat) insisted that I rise before 4, which is totally fine. It just means more time to run, and in this case, I appreciated it. I don’t know how much I’ll be able to do on the weekend, and it is only 4 weeks until my next 100-mile race. I figure I need to get some big miles in the next two weeks. I would like to do a trail marathon. Maybe two the weekend of the 21st. This week on Saturday I’ll be spending time with family, but it would be nice to get at least 30 total miles in this weekend.


the Most Epic Runs