Day 3,808 —Children Walk! —

       Yesterday, my 18-month-old son walked a little over a mile in about 40 minutes. I thought he might get tired and sit down or get distracted and wander off, but he stayed on the sidewalk almost the entire time and kept at the same pace. He has moved past wanting to hold my hand the entire time, so I was letting him walk in front of me, but after half a mile he tripped a couple of times, not hurting himself, but I asked him to keep my hand after that until he seemed to be okay again.

       My five-year-old, not to be outdone by her little brother also walked a mile with me in about 28 minutes. She likes to run ahead: spring and then sit down later when she gets tired. She said she wanted to walk down Laclede. I didn’t love being on the side of a road on a busy street, but she needed to explore, so I stayed with her. She was looking ahead and telling me that she wanted to make it all the way to the top of the next hill. By the time we returned to the house, she was telling me she was tired, but we hadn’t walked a mile yet, so I asked her what she wanted to do. She decided to keep going and we finished the mile. 


the Most Epic Runs