Day 3,759 —Back on a Trail II—

I felt more confident in my approach and went slow to start. I had forgotten how different trail running is compared to pavement. A lot more people were out today, but I only saw two other runners. Everyone I saw seemed friendly, and many said hello. I thought I saw someone who didn’t respond to my “Good morning,” yesterday, but today she smiled and said hello. Maybe Sunday is a more social day for other runners.

A guy I saw near the end seemed amused with himself in how he circumnavigated an area of the trail that had a gap. I went ahead and jumped it, partly because I didn’t want to go through the same path the other runner was on and partly because it seemed fun. It is fun to clear gaps. 

The way I go downhill is both terrifying and exhilarating. Like there are style points, I jump high and take as few steps as possible to tackle tough downhills. I ran towards a dirt ramp as if I were on a bicycle and leaped, pausing in the air to widen my stance before bouncing off the ground. The ultra-running community would benefit from a style upgrade. I am not suggesting I have the best style, but it is fun leaping from one stone to another downhill while moving with gravity. It is dangerous and scary, and I have fallen more times to count, but it is my favorite part of a trail run.


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