Day 3,769 —Running with a Vest Day X: in the Storm—

   I ran with my vest and was thinking about all the unknowns going into this school year. It looks like rain. I found myself thinking about running the Shawnee. I know it will be difficult, but I like thinking about that feeling of only having one thing to focus on.   

How are students going to make it to classes next week?! Yesterday, the SLPS Board said they were expecting Elementary-age children to come to school through ride-share services and taxis. When asked about booster seats, they bragged they were able to procure over 1,000 seats, but my question is who is going to secure the seats in the cars?! They didn’t answer those questions, but just imagine putting your 5- or 6-year-old into a taxi or car service. Then, I am wondering how teachers are going to secure those boosters when kids leave.

Of all the things that don’t make sense about this plan, this blows my mind.


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