Day 3,767 —Running with a Vest Day VIII: Slowing Down —
There are other things I need to do to get ready, like figuring out if I need more socks and shoes. I have two good pairs of trail shoes, but the only problem is one is so big that I might not want to use it at all. It is a good pair for the winter, so I can wear more socks, but for summer I am not sure if they’re worth wearing. I would love to pack less for this race, and maybe I can get a jump on deciding what I am going to want to bring. So much to do, but I am missing clarity. This morning, when I woke up, I started emptying the trash and doing laundry. And there is still so much left, not done.
I was thinking about how few days of running I have left until the race and wondering if I am ready. I did that 207-mile week at the beginning of July. I have completed two evening races where I ran 50k +, and now I have been running with a vest consistently for over a week and have done over 50 miles on a trail in the past two weeks.
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