Day 3,765 —Running with a Vest Day VI: Getting Used to It—

         I didn’t want to drive to the trail today but if not now when. Only one more weekend left until the race not counting tomorrow, so I am going to do some trail miles every opportunity. 

I realized that the shoes I wore last weekend were a size too big, and I found my other pair that fits. It made a huge difference when I was navigating the roots, rocks, and stones on the path. There are only a few sections that make it so difficult I need to walk, but when I hit them today I pushed through them walking and running as many straights as possible. 

I saw someone on a boat on the river, which doesn’t seem that strange when I write it down but that is the first and only person I have ever seen using a speedboat on the river, so I don’t know how common it is or where they were going. It was so nice, so that made a difference. I didn’t finish all the water I brought, which is the first time that has happened in months. The last two times I did the trail I was out of water close to the half way point of the run. I brought the mini 10 ounce flask as a back up and didn’t use it but it wasn’t that difficult to run with, so as of right now I am sold on my alternative approach to running without using the hydration bladder. The hydration bladders aren’t the worse thing in the world, but I don’t like not having a good idea of how much water I have left, so I always end up not finishing before making it to the next aid station. 

I saw some people out walking with their dogs and there were a few runners and hikers. It was nice day and despite how much I didn’t want to go out this morning, this run was a success and I felt better when I was driving home thinking about if I always run better when I want to stay home. Not that I would have not ran, but I could have taken it easy but instead I went to the trail. 


the Most Epic Runs