Day 3,772 —6 runs until Shawnee Hill 100: I cannot wait—

I watched the pre-race video last night and I am excited! I don’t know how many familiar faces I will see but the race directors have been the same each year and a lot of the aid workers are familiar, so it will be good to see some people from the past runs. The aid stations have always been run so well at the Shawnee Hill and I love how they do themes, so one of the aid stations had Halloween lights in the past. 

         I can go back there in my mind like I had ran there yesterday because so many of those sections and hills were so emotionally and physically taxing they have been burnt into my memory but a lot of good memories too. A lot of memories laughter. I love making the most ridiculous jokes when I start getting loopy and tired. I end up always greeting the aid workers on miles 50 + with a “You’re still here? It is like I just saw you!”

Maybe that’s not the best example. I am struggling to think of the types of things I say that in reality are probably only funny to me, but I think because I have an infectious smile, people give me a chuckle or a smile and a nod. 

It is just how I deal really. When I get stressed, I make dumb jokes and say things that I know other people will find shocking. I am not trying to be mean or anything, just help people get out of their headspace and remind them that there is always something to laugh about. And when other people are struggling to find their joy, that’s usually when I am suddenly determined to crack every frown I see, or at least distract the people around me enough to get their minds off what’s bothering them. 

I digress. What I really wanted to write about was the HUGE news I learned in the race video: 


Every year the stuff they have used in the past makes me sick, so I have always had to use my own. Last year I used GU which I love but I still had to mix it at each aid station which was time-consuming. This year I won’t have to worry about that at all, so I am super happy to have a hydration system that I have used before and love. 

I will still bring The Right Stuff and use that as well, but that regular hydration drink is so essential. I was thinking I would just use water the whole time when not drinking The Right Stuff, but now I don’t have to do that. Also, the race director said she is going to try to have something vegan at the end!!! She is so generous with food every year, but usually only a handful of “real food” vegan options, which is fine. I am not complaining. I always bring my own food, so I don’t have to think about it, but it is so nice when people bring vegan stuff and have it there. It makes me want to cry a little. 

Last year a couple of the aid stations had vegan stuff I could eat, and it made me so happy. 

So thank you so much! I am so happy for the GU and the vegan option at the finish whatever it is.   


the Most Epic Runs