Day 3,774 —4 runs until Shawnee Hill 100: 18 Dollar Socks—

  For whatever reason, I have too many socks that don’t fit me. Did I buy medium socks, or did they shrink? I didn’t expect these expensive socks to make such a difference, but they feel amazing. I am hooked, I want to buy 4 more pairs. Today, I felt kind of sad to be going home after only a couple of miles, but I was glad to be able to get to work a little easier. I have already stopped drinking as much coffee. I am down to ¾ of a cup and I plan to go to half cup by Wednesday. 

Sometimes I tell a story to my wife and cannot remember if I have ever written it down before. I had a couple of stories in my mind I was thinking about this morning. There were my animal stories that I never finished and the series about people I knew when I was younger that are no longer with us. I feel like I never told those stories. They maybe don’t make a lot of sense in this context.

I should be mainly focused on stretching and packing for the Shawnee Hill, but I keep thinking about stories. I need to reread my Shawnee Hill run stories. I watched the video I made last year, but it is not the same as everything I was able to detail in the written ones.



the Most Epic Runs