Day 3,776 —2 runs until Shawnee Hill 100: Happy—

My daughter so far loves school! She has not given me a ton of details, but I love hearing her explain something about school, or excitedly telling me about something her teacher said. I keep asking her if they have practiced letters or numbers, but so far, she has told me they have not. I asked her if they read books, and she explained that she did not read books, but her teacher has read books to the class each day.

         Also, the transportation issue has mostly not been as big of a deal for my high school at SLPS when talking to people at the school. The biggest high schools in the district all had higher attendance compared to last year. Some schools were as high as 90 percent or more on the first day. My theory is that a lot of people have stopped depending on school transportation, so this was not as much of an interruption as people thought. Yet, still those who did use the school transportation I understand how problems, and it appeared decisions were not thought through, but like normal the people at the schools have to make up for what isn’t considered by people who work in the district. I am just happy so many kids got to their schools, and most of the teachers I talked to this week were positive.

         I cannot believe the race is so soon! I broke down and eat some of my running snacks yesterday. That’s the only issue with buying them early. I feel mostly physically ready for the race, except I am still dealing with something that I am going to see the doctor about today. It is bizarre, my belly button is bleeding. I took antibiotics for it the past 10 days and I thought that it was going to heal, but it looks just as irritated today, but besides that things are going well. My new socks came yesterday, and they feel great.  


the Most Epic Runs