Day 3,770 —Running with a Vest Day XI: This is Just to Say—

          I tried to go slower but started out too fast. My throat was dry as I walked between traffic, and I walked up a hill to catch my breath. I started thinking and I had an idea for a reinterpretation of “This is Just to Say” by WCW in my mind as I finished my run. I haven’t worked it all out yet but . .  .


         This is just to say

         I left a note in an empty box in the back of a drawer in your desk.

         I hope you find it when your hair is gray

         When there is nothing left to say.

It is not perfect. I think it needs to be more concise and two more stanzas, but I like the idea of a message about a message that I never reveal but just describe the purpose.

I also spilled water on myself just now and two days ago I spilled coconut water all over my pants in the middle of a presentation. I didn’t know what to do, so I sat there and it dried, how embarrassing, how clumsy of me.



the Most Epic Runs