Day 3,766 —Running with a Vest Day VII: One Weekend Left—

I ran a little slower today, but I barely registered the day individually. Instead, I felt like I mentally was going through the course from somewhere in the clouds, while my body jumped at all the right times. I didn’t fall today, but I did trip twice. I didn’t see any animals today, only other people out on the trail. I thought I might see a snake in the tall grass, but if there was one, I didn’t notice it. The weather was nice. I saw many people walking their dogs on the trail today and a decent number of hikers with backpacks. I guess there are not a lot of places to hike in the area, but it does always seem unnecessary to have a backpack, maybe they’re slowly getting into hiking. I did some hiking with a backpack in Scouts, but I never did any training for it. I was pretty active, so I am not surprised it didn’t matter if I did training, but for many people I am guessing they do train.

         I am not knocking training, but I think I just realized why I find it so odd to see people walking around with big hiking backpacks. Tomorrow begins the last week before school starts. And, I am going to try to get some things done, like getting a haircut and going to the dentist. I also need to pick up my contacts. It feels like the last school year never ended, but at the same time, everything seems so different this year. There are a total of five fewer people on my team this year than last year, and it just feels weird. And with the issues with transportation and leadership at SLPS not to mention the election. I am trying to stop this school year from starting. I am not ready to see how things transpire.


the Most Epic Runs