Day 2,660 —Enjoying what I Love—with a PICTURE of a FENCE in the SUN

I think about so many different things when I run and inevitably, I think about what I am doing now. I think about what I am going to write about that day.

Today, I thought about how worked up I had gotten for a moment this morning when circumstances prevented me from starting my run on time. My dad had come over to deliver topsoil, and the whole family slept in because my daughter got up at 4 a.m.

Yet when my dad was over helping fill the holes in my back yard my daughter came out and started playing with the dirt with great exclamations throughout observing the dirt moving from the wheelbarrow to the yard. 

When I started my run, it was late, but I decided to go through some woods and trail, so I hoped to get some more pictures of insects. 

When I found the spot with the bees and butterflies, I was overwhelmed with how many pictures I could take. When I was sitting down after my run editing the pictures, I felt so overwhelmed with joy for prioritizing running, writing, and taking pictures. You can see I put my wife and daughter before that this morning, which is how it should go, but after that I have discovered that I am happiest when running, writing, and taking pictures.

It might seem like a small thing, but it gives me purpose each day. I might not know what the future might bring, but I know that it most likely will be filled with writing, running, and taking pictures. I don’t know what comparatively you do that gives you purpose, but I suggest you do those things as often as possible. 


the Most Epic Runs