Day 2,685 —Sweating Profusely while Thinking . . .— with my PICTURE of a TREE that LOOKS like a PERSON #2

My first year of college I was the busiest I had ever been in my life, and yet it was one of my happiest times as a young adult. I was enjoying school, which was new for me because I didn’t like high school that much, and I was so busy wrestling, so I was working out at least two times a day if not more. In those days I had almost zero free time, but I was truly enjoying everything I was doing and that first semester I was thriving. 

The next semester I was less successful, and I transitioned to getting a job over wrestling, which I thought was necessary, but I didn’t really want to do it. 

When I first started going back to school while I was working full time was another extremely busy time in my life, but it wasn’t like this now. 

Now, I am busy not only analyzing and problem solving for my classes, but for all my teachers. I will not tell them what to do, but I will attempt to help them develop the tools to solve their own problems, which is kind of harder. 

I also started my first class back in graduate school Tuesday, and I had so much fun. I have missed taking classes so much. I want to take another class now, but I will have to see if my academic advisor will get back to me in time. 

I feel good about my training for the 100-mile run in November, and I love starting each day with a run. I love spending time with my wife and daughter. Yesterday, I spent a little over an hour with my daughter at the library. Watching her and playing with her is one of my favorite activities. It is not always easy, but it is so rewarding because I can tell how much it means to both of us. I am her dad, but it seems like she knows more what that means than I do.  

I was sweating profusely this morning while thinking about my life. 


the Most Epic Runs