Day 2,666 —Secretly Planning on Running Through Your Yard— with a PICTURE of CLOUDS and my SIDEWALK

I saw a sign when I was running that said, “Is your wife hot? Get her AC fixed!” It is funny because I have driven by the sign before and have only been able to read the first part. Worth it? I am not suggesting it is not funny, but I am wondering who that joke is for. 

I kept getting stuck in a dead-end loop at one point, and all my clothes felt uncomfortable. I secretly planned on running through someone’s yard, but I never did. I came home after about 13.5 miles to change clothes. 

I didn’t carry any water, so I know I am a little dehydrated now. I stopped a few times at some water fountains. It is a lot of work to drink at a water fountain. I feel like I am trying to slurp up as much water as possible while at the same time, I am worried about the quality of the water. I like to see the water I drink before I drink it.  

I saw so many people swimming today. That’s different. I remember last year when all the pools were closed.   


the Most Epic Runs