Day 2,683 —Two Police Cars and Other Descriptions— with my PICTURE from the CHUBB TRAIL

I wanted to make my Afton Loop a little simpler, so I went almost to where Mackenzie connects to Gravois before I turned right. On my way I saw a young man walking with a backpack. He looked at me not saying anything. I said, “good morning,” but he ignored me. 

I saw two police cars going over sixty miles an hour. They had their lights blazing and would have hit me if I hadn’t moved over to the side of the road quickly. As I turned left into the road, I was annoyed there wasn’t a sidewalk, thinking it is possible that more police cars might be coming soon. But then there was a sidewalk, and I thought maybe it was just the dark and this week that was making me feel a little on edge. School started yesterday.  

So many people out just walking around. I saw a guy behind a building when I was stopping to take a picture. I saw a different guy walking on the street wearing normal clothes without a light, just walking in the street. 

By the time I made it to Grant’s Trail the only people I saw were bikers and one other runner who I thought was going to pass me, but we ran equal for a little bit and then he dropped back. 

I saw three bikers while one of them was changing a tire on a bike. I said, “hi,” all three echoed back. 


the Most Epic Runs