Day 2,686 —Hovering above the Surface— with my PICTURE of Grass growing out of a TREE

I had to switch over to supportive shoes when my left foot started having noticeable damage, which was affecting my stride. But I still like sandals. I still like minimalist shoes. I like walking and running barefoot. I have decided since my foot has been doing a lot better that I can resume running with my minimalist shoes on shorter runs. 

My sandals make me go slower but help me make better choices with my strides. I stepped on a branch but was not put off balance because my steps were small and precise. 

  I don’t get this feeling with my supportive shoes. I don’t get to feel each surface. I don’t get to know what each surface has to offer. I don’t get to glide or feel like I am not running at all but hovering just above the surface.  


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