Day 2,664 —I’ll Rest While I Run— with a PICTURE of a PATH in the WOODS

I had a root canal yesterday and went to bed later than usual. I had planned to do a longer day today but there was that moment this morning when I was still in bed and the thought creeped in, “I could sleep in.” 

I forced myself to get up and decide later, which is a strategy that I use often. If I cannot shut the door on a bad decision, I often delay the decision which usually leads me into a better decision. 

After making coffee, the thought came into my head, “I can just rest while I run.” It was as if I had forgotten how effortless running can be at times. I can always go slow and not think about my pace.  

I was feeling adventures, taking some alternative paths and in doing so I turned my seven-mile run into a nine-mile run. I can only blame my mental GPS. It usually is pretty good, but between the park with the bat caves and Sappington I underestimated the distance. 

I took a picture of a bee that appeared to be sleeping, and I thought about starting a writing series titled, “Running Tips #1” etcetera, but I cannot remember what my first tip was now.    


the Most Epic Runs