Day 2,690 —What they Hope they Will Find— with my PICTURE of a FLOWER in the DARK

     I went over the passenger bridge into downtown Webster. I have been having this battle with my watch the past couple of days because it appears like it wants to tell me “-5 from yesterday!” but it cannot because my heart rate is so low. However, I noticed recently that my heart rate sometimes can skyrocket during the first 2/3 of a mile going as high as 160-180, but then it will quickly drop down to 120 for the rest of the run. 

    If my heart rate is too low for it to declare to me that I am -5 from yesterday; it will not say anything at all. I think my watch is looking for slopes and hills in my effort but is frustrated that my heart rate appears stagnate most days; even though, I never take a day off, so it thinks something must be wrong. I wonder if the person who designed the program imagined that if that happened probably more than one person was using the watch or there was some other anomaly, but regardless the watch is looking for a pattern and is not actually rendering what it finds. It is a great analogy to think about how most people analyze and evaluate. 

    They look at things with the most convenient solution in mind, trying to find the pattern that matches what they hope they will find. 


the Most Epic Runs