Day 2,673 —Reflections on my Run— with a PICTURE of a TREE and a STREETLAMP


    I successfully started on time. This used to never be an issue but with not having to do as much the past month. I could easily sleep in and still do 10 miles before noon. 

    I was adventures in my route. I was headed into Maplewood, but nothing else I had decided. My wife told me she saw a down tree off Flora that I should check out. I never found it because I looked for it on the wrong Flora. However, I discovered the Metro stop behind the Mini Cooper dealership off Hanley. 


    I did not bring any water, nor did I bring my collapsible cup. I was able to stop at a few water fountains, but it was tough to keep track of how much I drank. It was not too hot, and I only started feeling it around mile 14. I made it home at mile 19, and I drank some water and ate a banana and went back out. 

    I started really feeling it at after only two miles. I slowed down and walked some to give my body a break. 

    What I learned was I need to bring water or my collapsible cup. I also need to use my dehydration pills regularly, and I also need to eat throughout a long run. Lastly, I should never change into a less comfortable shoe after running 10+ miles. 


    When I was dehydrated around mile 21, I had to walk some. It was difficult to allow myself to walk. I need to learn to allow myself to slow down and enjoy the run. When I was struggling, I had to focus to keep it light and keep going. I felt better after a mile. Part of me wishes I would have kept going to finish a marathon distance, but that number is arbitrary, and I got another long run to do tomorrow.  



the Most Epic Runs